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Who We Serve

Why Should I Outsource a Sleep Disorders Service?

Through our experience in working with varying sized organizations throughout the nation – from critical access hospitals to larger systems – our clients experience a customized level of service and quality.  We pride ourselves in sharing that we’re not a large organization with bureaucracy and costs.  Our philosophy is that we are jointly accountable for your success, and that we truly are partners with our clients.


  • High revenue potential from sleep studies

  • Downstream revenue from further diagnostics, procedures

  • Only pay according to your volume (per patient fee)

  • Low start-up costs

  • Low risk

  • Results read in one week or less

  • Fully managed by Vertex, with limited in-house staffing

  • All training provided by Vertex

  • Around the clock customer service and technical assistance


Vertex charges only a per patient fee, which includes providing the diagnostic equipment, scoring of the raw data, report generation by a registered sleep technologist (RPSGT) and a Board-Certified sleep physician interpretation. We also provide the training of the RT (on-site) and 24 hour on-call support to assist the RTs or RSPGT's in running the sleep studies. 


“Vertex Sleep solution provides professional results with an emphasis on quality control. I have been impressed with the efficiency of the method Vertex uses to perform studies remotely. The turnaround time and level of professionalism is excellent.”

Alastair Lynn-Macrae, M.D.

Board Certified

Valley Ear, Nose, & Throat Specialists, P.A.


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